Summit Tamalpais Athletic Program

At Summit Tam, we deeply value the benefits a sports program brings to our efforts to educate children holistically. The lessons of working hard as a team and over a period of time and the growth that can come with that are invaluable for our students as they were for many of our staff and community members in their own high school experience. As part of our commitment to the health and well-being to our students, Summit Tam is excited to offer a variety of sports throughout the year.

We are a proud and active member of the North Coast Section League and participate in league games and tournaments annually.

Thank you to our student athletes and all the parents who support this program with many hours of volunteering. Without you we would not have a program!



Parents need to fill out the summit athletic packet and have student complete Physical by their doctor to be cleared to play sports for Summit


All students must receive a physical examination from a Board Certified Physician prior to entering any sport at Tam.

This physical examination must include, but is not necessarily limited to:

  • Documentation of a detailed review of the student’s medical history with special attention to presence or absence of cardiovascular/pulmonary risks and/or previous significant injury and rehabilitation there from.
  • Documentation of satisfactory examination of the cardiopulmonary system.
  • Documentation of satisfactory sport‐specific orthopedic screening examination.
  • A written statement by the examiner as to the fitness of the student to undertake the proposed athletic participation, together with suggestions for activity modification if necessary.

Grade Eligibility Requirements


In order to participate in Summit Tam athletics, students MUST meet the following academic eligibility requirements:

  • All past projects are turned in
  • All current projects are up to date (no missing steps)
  • All power focus areas are up to date or “on track”
  • Complete the athletic tracker form daily


When a student is marked “OFF TRACK”, the student is NOT on track to graduate their current grade level due to incomplete, below average scores, or missing assignments. Students in this situation MUST attend office hours daily until the student is back on track. If a student is “OFF TRACK” for more than two (2) weeks, a student-athlete could be suspended from playing sports at their Mentors’ and Executive Director’s discretion.


Office hours are supervised and assisted homework support rooms, designed to guide students towards getting back on track with academic and peer support. If your student is “OFF TRACK” and REQUIRED to attend office hours, your student will need to:

  • Be present for the entire time
  • Be working productively and making progress
  • Be an active supporter of the learning environment
  • Attend the entire duration of scheduled office hours

Time Commitment

All athletes must attend practices and be on-track with the work at the summit.

Transfer Students

If a student transfers mid-year and is interested in playing sports, please inform our athletic director, Coach Zach, know your interest

Donations, Fundraisers and Volunteering

Parents of all student-athletes are required to participate in a minimum of three (3) volunteer events for each of the student’s sport team(s).