Empowered Youth: How Young Voices Are Shaping Tomorrow

The elected officials of Summit Atlas’ Student Government (SASG) are impressive representatives of how young people can have a profound impact on their community.

Ella Galaites, the dynamic President of SASG, is on a mission to craft a vibrant future for the Summit Atlas community. Maria Hernandez, SASG Vice President, embodies ambition in both her academics and her aspirations for student government. And Class Secretary JuJu Sims, through his plan to grow his own confidence and enhance the way in which students communicate, aims to ensure that every student’s voice is heard and their opinions respected.

Ella G. Article Pic

A natural-born leader, Ella has thrived in the ASB program since she and her peers helped launch it three years ago. She has cemented her self-reliance and strengthened her leadership skills alongside the program. Summit Atlas is a charter public school and its charter status grants it the ability to provide a unique educational model that nurtures every individual child and effectively serves the young people who are furthest from educational justice. Summit does this by equipping each child with the habits, tools, and knowledge necessary for success in their chosen path after high school. Ella values the mentorship, worldly experience provided by the Expeditions Program, and self-directed learning model that is used by Summit Atlas. She also recognizes opportunities where she can contribute meaningfully to Summit through ASB.

“Lots of people do not see the inner workings of what happens in the ASB classroom,” says Ella. “It takes a lot of perseverance and work to get one event or idea out to the school. There are a variety of compliance-related issues that young leaders have to learn to navigate in ASB. We dedicate time each day to reach the students of Summit Atlas with the organizing of school dances, cultural months, and school meetings.”

The Class President emphasizes the importance of balancing academic success with participation in traditional high school activities. Aiming to align with Summit’s unique education model, Ella facilitates key events that align with this creative blueprint.

“Student government is one of the most important electives a school can provide,” says Ella. “It allows the student voice to be heard and implemented. It is vital to students’ growth and development to feel empowered to make change in their own community. ASB allows students to learn to become better leaders, successfully preparing them for life outside of high school.”

Vice President Hernandez works closely with President Galaites and is ready to step in at a moment’s notice. She understands the importance of representation and amplifying her own voice–this is how she won her position.

This election process brought V.P. Hernandez to the understanding that her position demands both skill and passion. She emphasizes the importance of truly representing the student body by listening to student concerns and voicing them to school administration, noting that this representation often goes unnoticed. Through her work in Summit’s Pod classes, which are designed with a sense of community, she fosters leadership, collaboration, and community engagement among students. Driven by a desire for improvement and a commitment to ensuring her peers are heard, she plans to enhance student engagement and create a more inclusive atmosphere within the school community.

“Student government is important because we, the students, get to choose who we want to represent us,” says V.P. Hernandez. “We are currently in an election year, nationally, and there are a lot of things to take into consideration when it comes to voting, whether it is for school or the real elections. You have to think why the candidate is worth the position based upon what they offer to do for your community.”

Wanting to inspire meaningful change, V.P. Hernandez is on a mission to understand what it truly means to hold political office, and especially how to sustain the passion required to make a lasting impact on people’s lives. Come November, our students–along with the adults in our country–will experience the importance of ensuring their voice counts.


Similarly, Class Secretary JuJu Sims is committed to the motif of listening and empowering students to share their ideas for school events. He believes in structuring a system in which student voices are integral to crafting the school’s future. As Class Secretary, Sims strives to enhance his communication skills and underscore the necessity of collaboration. With aspirations to run for Vice President next year, he believes his experience and commitment make him a strong candidate for the position.

“I believe that student government is important because students’ voices matter in making their high school experience more meaningful and valuable,” says Class Secretary Sims. “When individuals can add their ideas and have people who take them into consideration, it leads to a more positive environment.”

Our children are not just the leaders of tomorrow, but the heartbeat of our nation today. Summit Atlas’ Student Government exemplifies the vision and passionate spirit of these emerging leaders, inspiring us all to embrace our shared responsibility in this journey.

You can find out more about the importance of voting and how to register to vote here: