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This year is a special milestone because Summit Public Schools is turning 20! As we kick off this year of celebration, we are exploring where we’ve been and where we’re going. Summit has always been about imagining what education can be and we can’t wait to share how we’re improving our students’ experience! ...
🎉 Join us in celebrating Michael, a Posse Scholar and senior at Summit Tahoma! Through Summit’s Expeditions Experience, Michael created an internship with Safe Space, a youth-led, mental health-focused organization, furthering his interest in a career in health. This fall, he will attend Boston University with plans to explore pathways in the medical field. Michael will be the first in his family to attend a 4-year university. Read more on the blog. Link in bio!
#TheSummitEffect #summitstrong #classof2022 ...
🎓 We’re proud to celebrate Summit Everest senior Francisco Cerda and his full ride to Stanford University! At one of the world's leading research institutions, Francisco intends to study engineering and pursue his dream of designing rockets in the aerospace industry—a passion he cultivated at Summit. We can’t wait to see where he soars next! 🚀Read Francisco's inspirational Summit journey on our blog.
#TheSummitEffect #summitstrong ...
As the school year comes to a close, we’re leaving you with this advice from a fellow Summit student. “Never compromise your full potential. Seek every opportunity with humility and kindness. Always give it your all.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves 💜 #SummitStrong
A medida que el año escolar llega a su fin, les dejamos este consejo de un compañero estudiante de Summit. “Nunca comprometas todo tu potencial. Busqua cada oportunidad con humildad y amabilidad. Siempre dalo todo.” No podríamos haberlo dicho mejor nosotros mismos 💜
Marka sannad dugsiyeedku soo dhawaado, waxaanu kaa tagaynaa taladan arday kale oo Summit ah. "Weligaa ha u tanaasulin kartidaada buuxda. Ku raadi fursad kasta is-hoosaysiin iyo naxariis. Had iyo jeer wax walba sii.” Anagu nafteena ayaanu si fiican u odhan kari waynay 💜 ...
Meet Karla, a senior at Summit Tahoma. Karla has dreamed of becoming a vet for as long as she can remember. Through Summit Tahoma’s unique Expeditions Experience, Karla set up an independent volunteer position to gain hands-on experience at a neonatal kitten rescue organization. This fall, she will attend California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo with a full scholarship to study animal science. Read more on the blog. Link in bio!
#TheSummitEffect #summitstrong ...
🎉We’re proud to announce that Tiffany, a Summit Public Schools: Shasta senior, is one of only 10 students in the Bay Area—out of 500+ applicants—selected to receive The Posse Foundation scholarship award.
Next year, Tiffany plans to study psychology at the University of Puget Sound. Her goal is to form an organization that fuses psychology and spirituality, so that mental health and wellness is accessible to people from all backgrounds. Tiffany credits her mentor and teachers at Shasta for their deep commitment to student well-being and their consistent support. Read Tiffany’s own words about her Summit journey. Link in bio!
#TheSummitEffect #summitstrong ...
We all want our students to be successful. A key component? Schools that prioritize relationships. ICYMI, our very own Kelly Garcia, Chief of Schools, shares her experience in todayparents.
Learn how Summit prioritizes relationships through:
✅Mentoring for every student
✅Partnering with families
✅Embracing students unique interests
Learn more in the link in bio. #TheSummitEffect #summitstrong ...
June is #Pride month! Check out how Summit Denali is celebrating LGBTQ+ community and history -
“The Q&A Club is working to plan the first annual PRIDE PARTY at Denali Middle School today. This will be an all school event with mentor group activities, informational sessions and school wide fun. Theme: FREE TO BE YOU”
🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️How are you honoring Pride month?
#pride2022 #SummitStrong ...
Congrats to Summit Shasta senior, Jessica, for being named a Posse Scholar! This fall, Jessica will attend Lehigh University to pursue her dream of becoming a neonatal nurse. When we asked Jessica about her time at Summit, she shared: “My mentor, Mr. Thompson, he’s helped me so much with my time management. If he sees me struggling, he’ll sit down and come up with a plan with me… I wouldn't be where I’m at today if it wasn’t for Shasta.” Read more about Jessica’s journey on our blog. Link in bio!
#TheSummitEffect #summitstrong ...
💡Here’s what we know for sure: It’s critical for schools to prioritize meaningful relationships. And at Summit, we’re doing just that.
Check out this op-ed in todayparents, where Kelly Garcia — our Chief of Schools — shares how authentic relationships and mentorships can help build a strong school community. As a parent and a longtime educator, Kelly understands that every child deserves to be known. Thanks for sharing your insights, Kelly!
Read Kelly’s story today. Link in bio. #TheSummitEffect #summitstrong ...
At Summit, alumni feedback is an important way to understand the impact of our model. In a recent survey, 77.2% of Summit alumni reported they are fulfilled in at least four out of five dimensions of well-being outlined in the Summit vision statement. We’re so proud of this result, and we’re not stopping here. One way to support our continuous improvement is filling out the 2022 Family Survey! Check your recent Summit emails for the link.
En Summit, los comentarios de los ex alumnos son una forma importante de comprender el impacto de nuestro modelo. En una encuesta reciente, el 77,2 % de los ex alumnos de Summit informaron que cumplen con al menos cuatro de las cinco dimensiones de bienestar descritas en la declaración de la visión de Summit. Estamos muy orgullosos de este resultado, y no nos detendremos aquí. ¡Una forma de apoyar nuestro mejoramiento continuo es completar la Encuesta Familiar 2022! Revise sus correos electrónicos recientes de Summit para obtener el enlace.
Kulanka, jawaab celinta ardaydii hore waa hab muhiim ah oo lagu fahmo saamaynta moodeelkeena. Sahan dhawaan la sameeyay, 77.2% ardaydii ka qalinjabisay Shirwaynaha ayaa sheegay in ay buuxiyeen ugu yaraan afar ka mid ah shantii waji ee wanaaga ee lagu sheegay bayaanka aragtida shirwaynaha. Aad baanu ugu faraxsanahay natiijadan, kuma joogsaneyno halkan. Hal dariiqo oo lagu taageerayo horumarkeena joogtada ah waa buuxinta Sahanka Qoyska ee 2022! Ka hubi iimayladaagii Shirkii ugu dambeeyay ee xidhiidhinta. ...
💜 We’re proud to celebrate Summit Prep senior, Shira, for her recent Sequoia Award recognizing her extraordinary volunteerism! With a lifelong passion for community service, Shira found her place at Summit Prep, where she was able to create her own offsite internship at LifeMoves through Summit’s Expeditions program. This fall, Shira will attend Bates College to study neuroscience and math. Read more about Shira’s journey on our blog. Link in bio.
#TheSummitEffect #summitstrong ...
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Join us in our commitment to lifelong learning by exploring digital events and resources from The Library of Congress, Smithsonian Institution and others as they honor generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Link in bio!
Mayo es el Mes de la Herencia Asiática Americana y de las Islas del Pacífico. Únase a nosotros en nuestro compromiso con el aprendizaje permanente explorando eventos y recursos digitales de la Biblioteca del Congreso, la Institución Smithsonian y otros, ya que honran a generaciones de Asiáticos e Isleños del Pacífico en los EE.UU.
May waa Aasiya Ameerikaanka iyo Bisha Dhaxalka Jasiiradaha Baasifiga. Nagu soo biir sida ay nooga go'an tahay waxbarashada nolosha oo dhan anagoo sahaminaya dhacdooyinka dhijitaalka ah iyo agabka Maktabada Congresska, Machadka Smithsonian iyo kuwa kale sida ay u sharfaan jiilalka Aasiya iyo Jasiiradaha Baasifiga ee U.S. ...
Summit educators work hard to prepare all students for a fulfilled life. What does it mean to be prepared? To have the tools needed to develop purpose, financial independence, community, strong relationships, and health.
Los educadores de Summit trabajan arduamente para preparar a todos los estudiantes para una vida plena. ¿Qué significa estar preparado? Tener las herramientas necesarias para desarrollar un propósito, independencia financiera, comunidad, relaciones sólidas y salud.
Barayaasha kulanku waxay si adag u shaqeeyaan si ay ugu diyaariyaan dhammaan ardayda nolol buuxda. Maxaa loola jeedaa in loo diyaar garoobo? Si aad u hesho qalabka loo baahan yahay si loo horumariyo ujeedada, madax-bannaanida maaliyadeed, bulshada, xidhiidhada adag, iyo caafimaadka. ...
At Summit, we believe preparing students for life must include robust financial planning support. Recently, Fortune Magazine recognized Summit Everest for “coming up with innovative ways to help students navigate the complexities of financing a college education.”
The impact of this support is immense. Empowered by 1:1 mentorship and Summit’s College Readiness program, Summit Everest senior Daniel was able to spot and correct an error in his financial aid package, helping him secure the full cost of attendance to Harvey Mudd College.
Read the full piece to learn more. Link in bio! ...
Summit Everest senior, Daniel, is this year’s Sequoia Awards Outstanding Student of the Year! 🎉 Recognized for exceptional community service, Daniel has volunteered for San Mateo County Search & Rescue and to help Spanish-speaking families navigate Zoom during the pandemic. His advice to future seniors? “Never doubt yourself, send that application.” Next year, Daniel will attend Harvey Mudd College. Read more on our blog. Link in bio!
#TheSummitEffect #summitstrong ...
Empowering students to plan a thoughtful Concrete Next Step is critical to their success. We’re proud to share that 92.2% of Summit alumni survey respondents are currently working or in school. #SummitStrong
Empoderar a los estudiantes para que planifiquen un próximo paso concreto reflexivo es fundamental para su éxito. Estamos orgullosos de compartir que el 92,2 % de los ex alumnos de Summit que respondieron a la encuesta están trabajando o estudiando actualmente.
Xoojinta ardayda si ay u qorsheeyaan talaabada xigta ee la taaban karo oo fikir leh ayaa muhiim u ah guushooda. Waxaan ku hanweynahay inaan wadaagno in 92.2% jawaab bixiyaasha sahanka alumni ee Summit ay hadda shaqeeyaan ama dugsiga ku jiraan. ...
🎓 We’re proud to announce that Kokneeka, a senior from Summit Olympus, is an Act Six Scholarship recipient! At Summit Olympus, Kokneeka has worked hard to foster her voice as a leader. Particularly inspired by her Leadership and Entrepreneurship class, she even started her own business. Next year, Kokneeka will attend Whitworth University with a dream to start an organization empowering teens to develop financial literacy. Read Kokneeka’s own words about her Summit journey on our blog. Link in bio!
#TheSummitEffect #summitstrong ...
Summit caregivers, have you taken the Family Survey yet? Your responses provide incredible insights about how to make Summit schools better. Find the link in last week’s Foundations email 📧 Thank you!
Padres y apoderados de Summit, ¿ya tomaron la Encuesta Familiar? Sus respuestas brindan información increíble sobre cómo mejorar nuestras escuelas Summit. Encuentre el enlace en el correo electrónico de Foundations de la semana pasada 📧 ¡Gracias!
Daryeel bixiyayaasha shirwaynaha, weli ma qaadatay Sahanka Qoyska? Jawaabahaagu waxay bixinayaan fikrado cajiib ah oo ku saabsan sida loo wanaajiyo dugsiyada Summit. Ka hel xiriirinta iimaylkii Aasaaska usbuucii hore 📧 Mahadsanid! ...
We’re thrilled to be ranked by usnews among the best high schools in the nation! 🎖️ This year, Summit’s four eligible high schools ranked within the top 12% of the national rankings: summitshastaofficial, summitprephighschool, summiteverestofficial, summitpublicschooltahoma. Summit Shasta ranked in the top 3% and Summit Summit Prep ranked in the top 5% nationwide.
Thank you to our educators, students, and families whose hard work each and every day helped us achieve this high honor. It’s a true reflection of our entire Summit community as we work to empower every student to be prepared to lead a fulfilled life!
#SummitEffect #BestK12Schools ...
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