Teachers and Parents Partner for Learning at Howard University Middle School

See the original YouTube video on The Summit Experience page (length: 2 minutes 38 seconds)

[scene of students in hallways and classrooms]


Malene Lawrence, Parent of Howard MS student using Summit Learning:
We didn’t have blended learning when we were coming up in school. So in our mind it’s the traditional sense, the teacher’s in the front of the room, it’s very teacher-centered and the teacher’s really the giver of all of the education.

[scene of teacher explaining to class]


With Summit, what we like is you know that teachers can meet the needs of all the students in their class room because they kind of have Summit as their co-teacher helping along the way.

[scene of children going to class]


Mr Baiza, Howard MS Teacher using Summit Learning:
I tell them all the time, your high school’s a little different, just to get them ready for that high school and college experience for them to be able to access learning by themselves and be able to locate resources on their own and be able to learn independently without having to always have that teacher there.

One of the things that makes Mr Baiza a really great teacher is the fact that he’s connecting with the students. When Corey comes home, he just talks about how much fun he has.

[scene of children working in class]


Mr Baiza:
It’s very helpful just having things electronically for them and for the teachers. It saves some time, able to work with individuals or do more one on one time with the students that may need additional help.

So when you think about a student’s success academically and their trajectory in life, that is directly related to the role that parents play as partners in their child’s education,

[scene of Malene helping Corey]


What helps me have better communication with my son about what his day is like, better communication with teachers and where they are and how I can better support him at school, because I know exactly what he’s learning and when he’s learning it.

Corey Lawrence, Student at Howard MS using Summit Learning:
I’ve really bonded with my teachers in a way, because relationships have grown through Summit. And these content assessments, they really help me with it, but they’ve also helped me with real life. So I’m really happy about that because I don’t have to wait until he says, oh, here comes the next tests. I can just go ahead and do it if I know I’m ready to do it.

He’s become a very different student than he was before coming to Howard’s Middle School and doing Summit learning. I’m not as worried as I was before in him navigating, going to high school and being able to juggle and handle it all. So I’m pretty excited about high school for Corey.