Projects Immersing Students in Real-World Scenarios

See the original YouTube video on The Summit Model page (length: 1 minutes 8 seconds)

[scenes of teachers helping students]


Carl Stalla, 8th Grade Teacher, Lee Elementary:
This project that I came up with was The Dream Home Project. It all stems from their future, because when we talk about, well, how you going to get there? How are you going to buy that house? What’s your plan?

Math can be boring, it could be worksheets, and also, I try to make it more lively. I used to build houses for a living, so I brought that into the classroom.

We’re talking about, geometry, we’re talking about angles, we’re talking about proportions, there’s a ton of math that goes into these drawings. And the kids are so engaged in it.

[scene of students helping each other]


Somebody came back 12 years later and showed me their dream home, they said they actually bought it. That was cool. That gave me chills, you know, that was exciting to me.